Medical Hypnosis

See if medical hypnosis is right for you…

Over 20 Years Of Experience In The Health And Wellness Field

“If you want to heal your body, you must first heal your mind” – Plato

Medical Hypnosis is an effective method to get in touch with your mind and body during your healing journey.

Medical Hypnosis works with your own natural healing system. It helps to control stress, ease anxiety and relieve overwhelming feelings which many people experience during their healing journey.

Medical Hypnosis

Medical Hypnosis is an effective method to get in touch with your mind and body.

A body in pain can cause emotional reactions such as sadness, anger and frustration which may make you ask yourself, “Why is this happening to me” or “will this ever get better.”

At times, a body in pain will create a “subconscious neurological loop” which will trigger negative emotions, negative feelings and negative self-talk.

This subconscious neurological loop can loop over and over again and you may experience these negative emotions and negative self-talk through out their day.

These negative emotions, feelings or self-talk can be hard to control or shut off because it’s at the subconscious level. 

This subconscious neurological loop can intensify many conditions and illnesses.  

Medical Hypnosis works to break this subconscious neurological loop and then eases the negative emotions, negative feelings and the negative self-talk. 

cancer support, Sturbridge, MA

Medical Hypnosis Can Help You Ease The Negative Emotions, Negative Feelings And The Negative Self-talk.

What does medical hypnosis help with?

  • Cancer Support
  • Chronic Pain
  • Sleep Issues
  • Pre and Post Surgery Healing 
  • Stress and Anxiety

Plus much more.

"First, thank you so much for working with my mom and it really helping her. We have seen such an improvement! No shaking these days and no medication needed, which was the goal! You have an absolute gift. My dad and I are so happy we found you! Thank you again Deb from the bottom of our hearts."
Southbridge, MA

If You Prefer To Speak To Someone Directly, Give Me A Call

(508) 579-6314

cancer support, Sturbridge, MA

Take Time For Yourself on Your Healing Journey

Cancer Support

I understand that going through your healing journey of cancer treatments can be overwhelming and very stressful.

Waiting for test results is at times stressful and it’s stressful for your loved ones too.

Some people find they have anticipatory nausea when even thinking about receiving their cancer treatments due to stress and anxiety. 

I want help you break the stress and anxiety and support you during your healing journey.

So, you can be present with your family, become less anxious and more empowered.


My mission is to support you every step of the way on your healing journey and I’ve dedicated most of my life to supporting people just like you on their journey too. 

I’m a certified medical hypnotist and oncology massage therapist. I have worked supporting clients in all stages of treatments and healing for over 20+ years.

I have additional cancer support certifications: 

  • Certification in Massage for Cancer, Life Threatening Illness and Mastectomy 
  • Certification in Teaching Yoga for Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia 
  • Certification in Teaching Yoga for Nervous System, Healing Anxiety, Insomnia & PTSD 
  • Certification in Sleep Hypnosis Specialist
  • Certification for Self-Hypnosis for IBS

And as a medical hypnotist, I bring my 20+ years of experience and knowledge to my cancer support clients going through all the stages of treatment and healing.

If your wanting and needing some extra support, I’m here for you every step of the way. 

deb k hypnosis therapy

 Debra Kizilcan, BA, CCH

I offer a free 30 minute consultation to make sure medical hypnosis is a right for you.

"Since this was my first experience with hypnosis it was very positive. Deb has a very calming voice. Listens and understanding of my issues and concerns, each time I met with her. I plan to continue visiting with Deb to help me with my cancer related concerns. I have been able to take less medication and listen to my recordings in between visits whenever I am feeling my anxiety or nausea and it relaxes me each time. I highly recommended Deb to anyone needing relaxation and another way to deal with their issues and take less medication or no meds. My family noticed the positive results in me, after first visit."
Southbridge, MA

cancer support

With Medical Hypnosis… 

You can feel lighter, less anxious and more empowered.  The benefits are deeper restorative sleep, waking up refreshed, less fatigue, clear focused mind and an overall feeling of increased happiness.

Some people find they have anticipatory nausea when even thinking about their upcoming cancer treatment. With hypnosis, this feeling may dissipate and you may actually have an appetite for foods that support vitality, strength and good health.

Pain is lessen as you break the pain loop by relieving stress and having a higher quality sleep pattern.

Your family members will become less worried and less stressed because they will see how much hypnosis is helping and supporting you. 

Let go of the worries and be more in the present moment with your family and friends and start enjoying your life again.

cancer support, Sturbridge, MA

Let go of the worries and be more in the present moment with your family and friends and start enjoying your life again.

enjoy your life again!

If you’re ready to start enjoying your life again and get some extra support on your healing journey… all you have to do is schedule for a FREE Medical Hypnosis consultation… keep that appointment and let me take care of the rest!

If You Prefer To Speak To Someone Directly, Give Me A Call

(508) 579-6314

What Our Clients Are Saying

Call NOW for your free consultation

See if medical hypnosis is a right fit for you!

*DISCLAIMER: Results may vary from person to person. I guarantee that I will use the most professional up-to-date hypnosis techniques for each individual. Hypnosis does not treat or diagnose any disease. Hypnosis provides guidance for you to live your best life and assists you in helping you develop your best self.